the story began in florence-italy on 1979 when marcello michelotti and stefano fuochi played as neon at the banana moon club two strange looking guys with a strange looking show in a strange looking place annual live report:2shows 1980...the first record; information of death./d.i.n.a. a very limited edition produced by controradio due to this record and to some sonorisations in some italian art galleries the duo (occasionally supported live by a sax player) became well known in the rising of italian new wave at the end of the year fuochi left neon annual live report:15shows 1981 : tapes of darkness annual live report:20shows 1982 : obsession ranieri cerelli on guitars.roberto federighi on drums, barbara big on keys, marcello michelotti on vocals and electronics annual live report:30shows on tour with simple minds 1983 : my blues is you some kind of dance..they say.. annual live report:35shows 1984 : dark age 0n tour with mr. john foxx annual live report:30shows rockerilla readers vote neon as best italian wave band 1985 : rituals about 60 dates tour 1986 : red light ..sanremo rock disaster ! 1987 : crimes of passion 1 annual live report:40shows 1988 : crimes of passion 2 1988 : i'm on my way annual live report:25shows 1989 : crimes of passion 3 about 40 dates in italy and 25 dates in europe neon was,among the others in france.spain, belgique,holland, germany,austria ,switzerland,russia 1990 - 1997 no report 1998 october : resurrection days adriano primadei on key's , nardo lunardi on guitars , leo martera on drums ,luca giannoni on bass and former member marcello michelotti on vocals play live as neon at tenax club 2001 the ashes tour: two gigs (siddharta club in italy and the sanctuary night in switzerland ) were recorded for future plans of.. mr. vencio plays live drums andrea mancini (c.o.p.) plays the bass nardo plays guitars
stefano fuochi-electronics,sergio pani-sax,barbara big-key's, renzo franchi-drums,adriano primadei-guitar & key's,ranieri cerelli-guitar, roberto federighi-drums,piero balleggi-key's,nardo lunardi-guitars, alessandro gimignani-drums,andrea mancini-bass,sandro tamburi-key's, tiziano borghi-key's,leo martera-drums,franco bertieri-guitars,venciu-drums, fabrizio federighi-guitar&production,massimo michelotti-electronics&livesound kumbala-livesound,renzino-lightshows,gimmi tranquillo-roadmanager,roby gramigni-management locchi&chiarini-management,carlo isola-videos, the old stuff at controradio,maso,harpo's,kindergarten,harmony, wolfmann,marzio's,ben,b.casini,dome la muerte¬moving, gaznevada,confusional,maurizio fasolo&pankow,subsonica,...