in 1978 neon started as a duo ,the sound was purely electronic ,the two founder members:stefano fuochi and marcello michelotti were involved in producing a lot of rythms noises and tapes manipulations .their live acts supported by an extensive use of visual arts were a strong mixture of avantgarde .electronic punk and ingenuity. sometimes irritating often interesting the duo (occasionally supported live by a sax player ) split off in 1981

many friends came into neon to feed the light on ,among the others members of GAZNEVADA ,CONFUSIONAL QUARTET ,PANKOW LITFIBA,CAFE CARACAS ,the line up of the group was always changin'so the gigs were too..a lot of chaos ..but a lot of fun ! . during that period a talentous young musician tried for the first time to bring rationality to the mental disorder of the leader of the band (sorry ADRIANO , but it was so extitin' ! ) at the end of '81 neon met FABRIZIO FEDERIGHI who became the producer of the group for five years . ADRIANO PRIMADEI left RANIERI CERELLI , BARBARA BIG. ,and fabrizio's young brother ROBERTO FEDERIGHI get in the sonic factory...
obsessive rithms ,screamin' guitars .electronic textures, dark attitude,....the NEON sound

obsessive rithms

get in the